My hairline started to noticeably recede when I was 11... in the sixth grade. But my waves were poppin in middle school and it didn't look bad. By the end of 9th grade, my hairline was pretty far back. So, I decided to grow my hair (as mmuuuucchhh as I could) during my last couple months in 9th grade and over the summer... and at some point in the beginning of my sophomore year... BOOM!... I grew enough hair to get cornrows!
My idea was that cornrows would have a better presentation for my hairline than the waves. So, my first style was straight back. That was a very stupid look... because the rows on top would start at the top of my forehead, which is good, but the rows on the side would be like 3 inches back... like someone indented my cornrows. Like... looking at me from the side... it looked like my braids were in outline format (Body > First Point >> Suppot Point). So then for a while I let my braider do different designs, thinking that they would look sweet even with the jacked up hairline. I was happy for a while. Then I got a new idea... do a part in middle of my head and braid the corn rows from the top down over the left and right sides of my head! That way... you couldn't tell my hairline was receding because the cornrows came down the sides and you couldn't see the bald areas!
So okay... almost a year in with cornrows. My best friend had a short haircut. He decided he wanted cornrows. So he started to grow his hair. After only maybe 2 months (if that long), he had enough hair to get it cornrowed. Cool. 4 months later, his cornrow hangtime was at the bottom of his neck. I checked where my braids ended... STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF MY NECK!!! So I was like... "Yo wait a sec... I've had cornrows for a year and change and my length is still in the middle of my neck... whereas my homie grew his hair for 6 months and his hair already passed me!!!". I was livid about my genetic heritage! I immediately took my braids out and rocked an afro. Nope... that didn't help! I did the fro for about two months before I got fed up... or I guess I should say... before I got smart... and then I cut all my hair off! (That should have been done... probably in the 9th grade!)
*FunFact1: One time, my stylist convinced me that weave would help my hair grow faster, so I let her do it. In one day, my cornrows went from the top of my neck to past my shoulders. It was maybe like an extra 5 inches of length. Oh, and she put wooden beads on the end of them, saying that it would help people to not realize the tips were extensions. I had to keep them in for nearly a month. That was so stupid! Don't worry, I 've destroyed all the pictures.
*FunFact2: Sometimes, maybe a lot of times... When I didn't have my hair cornrowed, instead of the afro... I would have my Mom (or my Sister) take a hot comb to my hair and straighten it out. I would then take a rubberband and rock a ponytail or I'd have my Mom (or Sis) do 2 pigtails.
*FunFact3: Despite how ridiculous all of that sounds... I was still macking girls! Shut up!