*Part 1. See Part 2 also*
On May 16, 1996... My little Brother and Sister (twins) were born more than 3 months premature. A very frightening experience all-around, but Mom and siblings are all good today.
My Mom was about 24 weeks pregnant when she experienced some pain at home. Apparently, SHE knew something was wrong and had my older Brother (17yo) take her to the hospital. My Sis (11yo) and I (12yo) rode with them. I didnt know a whole lot about pregnancies and its complications. I remember being in the waiting room, thinking that nothing too serious was going on... like they were gonna give her some meds and we would be on our way back home. But NOPE!
Doctor came out and spoke some super doctory terms to describe what was happening. I definitely cant remember the medical jargon that the Doc said, but whatever it was... it meant that the babies had to be delivered right then or everybody was gonna die (Mom and both babies). Initially, I didnt understand the full gravity of the situation... cuz in my mind, all they had to do was perform a routine C-section and everything would have been cool. *NOTE: Mom gave birth via C-section to a lil Bro in Jan 1995, so I had no real reason to be scared about the procedure.* So, about the twins... We had just found out a few weeks prior that Mom was having a Boy and a Girl... so I was in the waiting room still thinking about names I was gonna tell Ma to give to my new Siblings. But my older Brother had a scared and worried look on his face. He explained the severity of this situation; the depth of what was still at risk with delivering twins at almost 6 months pregnant. Big Bro described and speculated about miscarriage, stillbirth, likelihood of the Mother dying as a result of pregnancy complications. Then, I became scared and worried. And because of the Doc's last update, we had expected them to go right into operation and come back to us soon with a report on whether Mom/Babies were OK or not. But NOPE! We were waiting with no word from the Doctor for about 4 hours... and oh boy that was brutal!
Keep in mind that I was 12; All I knew was Mommy. I didnt really have that sibling connection yet to my unborn Bro and Sis. I mean... having twin siblings would have been cool, but all I was truly concerned about was Mom. My prayer was "God, please let my Mom be OKAY."... and I had that prayer on repeat for those 4 hours we waited. Finally... Doctor came back and said that although the twins were hooked up to a million machines/devices, everyone was alive! We rejoiced! We could see Mom, but it would be a day or so before we could see our siblings.
**For me, this is already super praise-worthy! But because of what went on from my Mom's perspective during the 4 hours we were in the waiting room... there is so much more to be eternally thankful for.
<The rest of the story is detailed in the "Tuestimony Part 2" post>