Tuestimony (7/17/2018)


16 years old. I had to take a summer school course for a required class I failed during my regular high school year. The summer school was a lil over 3 miles away from my house. At this point, we didn't have a car at home. One of my best friends, who lived a few blocks away, offered to drive me to the school every day... all I had to do was call him at 7am.

**NOTE: Summer school started at 8am. There was a 1-hour grace period so arriving after 9am was considered TARDY. 3 Tardies (or absences) would negate the summer school credit and you would not get a course completion certificate. SO... the rule was... DON'T BE LATE OR MISS SCHOOL 3 TIMES!

Most of the days... there were no issues. I'd wake up on time and get ready, and hit my friend up at 7 and he would come through and get me there by 745. But twice I was very late and ended up calling him late and getting to the school after 9am. So... I COULD NOT BE LATE AGAIN or else I'd fail the class in summer school too.

So, on a Wednesday, I got up early as usual and I was ready. I called my friend at 7am. He didn't answer. I didn't worry, as there was plenty of time. I called him again after a couple minutes. No answer. I called again. Nothing. I started to worry. At 7:30am... I started panicking... and I called maybe 20 times in a row... all to no avail. I was like ohhh snap!! I made the decision to walk. Walking 3+ miles was not new to me. In fact, I walked home every day from summer school because my boy worked in the evenings so all he could do was drop me off in the mornings. The problem, though, was that they were calling for rain on this Wednesday. But it usually took me about an hour to walk home from school, so on that morning, I left out at close to 8am, knowing that I would get to school by 9am and not be considered TARDY. It wasn't raining yet, so boom, I head out the door...

I get two blocks down the street and out of nowhere... it starts pouring down raining! I'm talking... hurricane rainfall without a raindrop/drizzle warning... it was an immediate downpour! I didn't like it, but I had prepared for it. I didn't have an umbrella, but I had packed extra clothes in my backpack and wrapped it in a plastic trash bag. I was not gonna miss class that day! Of course, I didn't expect it to rain like right out the gate. So, I stood still for a few moments just to pump myself up to keep walking. Then, I decided to pray. I cannot remember exactly what I said in prayer, but I know that I asked God to help me endure and continue on and to make it to school on time. That was all I asked.

I walked to the next block, which took all of 30 seconds. The rain stopped. I mean... a full-stop. There was no drizzle... not even a raindrop. I looked up at the sky... regular clouds. Nothing that looked like it just dropped tons of rain in my area. I said another prayer, praising and thanking God. Then I decided to run three blocks back home, change my clothes, and then I was gonna jog most of the way toward the school to make sure I got there in time. I got back home around 8:15am, changed my clothes, and sprinted out the door. I was following my plan. I made it back to where I was at 3 blocks away and had to take a breather and I started to walk instead of run. Then my cell phone rang. It was my boy!! He said that somehow his phone was on silent instead of vibrate so he didn't hear any of the calls. He said he wasn't even gonna do his normal morning routine; he was just gonna get straight up and come get me from where I was. I ended up getting to the school around 8:30am.

As soon as I walked inside the school, it started raining again. I was like... "Wowww". Plus, my boy called me and said he didn't have to work that evening and he could return and scoop me at the end of school, which he had NEVER done so far my whole time there! I can't even count how many times I said "Thank You, God!" that day.
