Tuestimony (9/11/2018)


I was born with heart problems that disappeared on their own… right in front of Doctors!

*I don’t recall any of this, as it all happened before I was 4. But my Mommy has told me this story a million times. (Some of the precise details are cloudy.)*

I was born with some kind of congenital heart defect; a murmur and an irregular heartbeat. I’m not sure of the cause or how severely it affected me as a child. Mommy describes me as always having been a happy and energetic child, and having never shown any signs that anything was wrong with my heart. But sometimes I would very noticeably not be able to breathe; and I didn’t have asthma. Mom says for the first few years of my life, she had to take me to the hospital at least once a month, but sometimes 2 or even 3 times… for frequent checkups, medicinal treatments, or because something happened with me that scared Mom.

One day at the hospital (I was 3)… Mommy said I started to turn blue. According to Mom, ‘everybody’ panicked!! (I hope Mom was the only one panicking and hospital staff remained calm and handled the situation appropriately). The Nurses shouted a “Code Blue” and started hooking up devices and machines to me. All Ma could do was watch in tears and fear, before being told she had to leave the room and let the Nurses do their thing. <SIDEBAR: If you know my Mother, then you know you DO NOT tell her that she can’t be in the room with any of her children for any reason! Luckily for the Staff, this was a rare occasion when Mom chose to comply instead of choking errybody out.> Anyhoo, Doctors came in and did whatever along with the Nurses and got me stable… But, they declared that I needed emergency surgery because the “fixes” were temporary and short-lasting. Mom gave consent and they rolled me out.

Mommy said she prayed and prayed as she watched them hurriedly take me away. The Surgeon ran one final test before actually performing the operation. He didn’t find anything wrong in the test. Confused, he ran another test. Again, results were normal. He went back over my medical chart (for that day), my medical history, and consulted with ALL the other Doctors and Nurses. They all came back and ran more tests. All results came back that my heart was beating regularly, they couldn’t hear a murmur, and there was no sign of any kind of heart defect. All of them were scratching their heads in a “What in the world?” reaction. Meanwhile, Mommy was in the waiting room still crying and praying, thinking that they were operating on my heart the whole time. So when the Surgeon and the other Doctors came out, her first question to them was “How’s my baby!? Please tell me he’s okay!” They told her they called off the surgery because they couldn’t find any heart issues, but they wanted to keep me there for another night to monitor me. The next day, after more tests revealed “nothing-is-wrong” results, they discharged me… with instruction to my Mom to bring me back (on a given schedule) for further checkups/monitoring. Weeks later, they closed the case and declared me healthy with a perfectly normal functioning heart… with no explanation of how my heart was healed.

Mommy believes it was a miracle… one that only God could have performed. I share that belief, even though I have no first-hand memory of any of it. I can’t imagine what must have gone on in Mom’s head every day for the first few years of my life… and especially during that “code blue” debacle that was originally supposed to be just a routine checkup. I praise God for my heart. I praise God for my Life. Because I live, I believe God has a purpose for me, so I won’t take it for granted. My everyday goal is to pursue and execute God’s purpose and plan for my life.
