Tuestimony (10/16/2018)


Part 1: OCCASION: Brother Experienced a BRUE

I believe that God gives Parents supernatural intuition, instincts, and ability to Love, Care for, and Protect their children. I distinctly recall at least three occasions when one of my siblings’ lives was at risk and Mom or Dad’s quick reactions saved them. 

|| The following is my account of one time when my Brother experienced a BRUE ||

*This is by far one of the most amazing and bizarre experiences I’ve had in witnessing a Parent’s intuition*.

I was 12 and Baby Brother was not even 1 year old yet. Mom and I were in the living room (front of house) watching TV and Baby Bro was asleep in the bedroom (back of house). I was sitting there enjoying the movie and suddenly and abruptly Mom turned to me and said “Hey, did you hear that?” in a panicky kinda voice.

I was like… “Uhh, hear what? No, I didn’t hear anything.” 

Then Mom said, “You didn’t hear Antonio? It sounded like he stopped breathing.”

I was like “What? Ma, what are you talking about? How can you hear someone NOT BREATHING? You’re not supposed to hear him Ma… he’s asleep and he doesn’t snore!”

She told me to hold on and went to check on him. And sure enough… the lil dude had stopped breathing in his sleep! She called to him and moved his limbs and rubbed his face and shook his tummy… until he woke up and started breathing again.

<Apparently, Doctors said this was common, but there is no known cause for this. Medical industry once referred to this type of occurrence as Apparent Life-Threatening Event (ALTE) but recently have termed it “Brief Resolved Unexplained Event” (BRUE).>

I was and still am blown away by the fact that while the TV was on in the living room and my infant Brother was asleep in the bedroom with the door closed… Mom was able to HEAR SILENCE and recognize that something wasn’t right with her Child. Oh my Goodness! That is one for the books that I will never be able to explain or fully comprehend, but I will also never forget.

I thank and praise God for the Blessed connection He establishes between Parent and Child. I pray that I will have that kind of intuition and instinct when I become a Father