Tuestimony (11/27/2018)


Today's Tuesday Testimony is about the impact that this weekly #Tuestimony series has had on at least one person! I am so warmed!

I received a Facebook Message last week from someone expressing that they were deeply moved by my posts. Note: I dont know this person and Im not even sure how we became Friends on Facebook. <For the sake of this report, let's call the person, Casper.> The message came in at 330am. Casper wrote that he/she suffered from severe depression (clinically diagnosed) and asked me to call him/her to talk because I could possibly help. My initial reaction was that of skepticism and uneasiness because this was a random person leaving me his/her phone number at 3 in the morning! So, after a few back and forth more messages over the next few days, Casper convinced me that it was not a joke or anything malicious. So, I called.

At the start of our phone convo, Casper immediately went into details about what he/she had been through that led to depression. I mean... it was some seriously personal stuff that most people likely would have kept secret, especially from a stranger. At first, I was just as wowwed by the stories as I was about the fact that he/she was revealing so much. Then Casper explained that he/she felt so comfortable because of how open I am on social media and the fact that my posts are Public. So Casper continued to share.

Turns out... Casper really didnt need counsel from me or mentorship necessarily. Casper was just looking for someone to vent to, to open up to & share with, to speak to someone who could show any bit of understanding, sympathy, and empathy. Casper acknowledged that he/she was also Christian. We agreed on the belief that because we are still here, then God isnt done with us... regardless of what we'd been through.

It truly Blessed me to hear that my lil ol' words touched a stranger so much so that he/she felt moved enough to reach out to me and open up. I believe that /that/ was an example of how God moves; connecting Believers through testimonies. I love it!
