One time, I unintentionally made an entire courtroom burst into laughter. The Traffic Court Judge, the Clerk, the Bailiff, the attorneys, and everyone else in the courtroom waiting for their case to be heard... I had them rollin. Here's what happened...
Judge told the courtroom that he would hear "guilty plea" cases first and instructed us to line up (while the "not guilty plea" cases were to remain seated). When it was my turn, I gave the Clerk my name. She found the summons and announced the charge to the Judge and asked me and the arresting Officer to step up.
JUDGE: You're charged with reckless driving: 79mph on a 55mph zone. How do you plead?
ME: Guilty, your Honor.
JUDGE (to Officer): Was he cooperative?
OFFICER: Yes, the gentleman was very cooperative. No problems at all.
JUDGE (to ME): Where were you headed?
ME: To my girlfriend's house
JUDGE: Was she hurt?
ME: No, your Honor.
JUDGE: Was there another kind of emergency going on?
ME: No, your Honor.
JUDGE: Son, I'm trying to help you out here. Is there a reason you were driving so fast?
ME: Uhh, her parents had left. And we had a window of time to be alone. And... I'm kinda embarrassed to say this... but... this was going to be our <air quotes> "first time". So, I really didn't want to miss the chance.
*Judge and everybody laughed*
JUDGE: Okay. Um, listen... I appreciate your honesty, young man. And because of that... here's what I'm gonna do for you. You have a good driving record. I do find you GUILTY. But I'm gonna reduce it to a non-reckless driving charge and bring it down to 70mph. So 15mph over the speed limit at $5 per mile overage comes to $75 + Court Fees. Go through that door over there and pay your fines. Be careful and be safe.... with driving, and everything else. Okay?
ME: Yes, your Honor. Thank You. However, I have another charge.
JUDGE: Huh? You mean today? In what courtroom? Are you late? Do you need a note that you were here?
ME: No, your Honor. The charge is in this courtroom.
JUDGE: This afternoon?
ME: No. I believe it was also for the 9am Hearing... right now... with you, your Honor.
*CLERK finds second summons with my name and hands it to JUDGE. JUDGE calls up the Officer for that charge*
JUDGE: Wow! Haha. Okay... Umm... Illegal U-turn at [intersection] on [date], later on the same night of the speeding charge. Is there anything you'd like to tell me about this?
ME: It was after I left my girlfriend's house. I was so excited about what had just happened, I missed my turn. And so much was on my mind, I didn't even notice the "No U-Turn" sign. I was eager to get back home so I could just smile myself to sleep.
*Judge and everybody laughed again*
JUDGE (to Officer): Any problems?
OFFICER: No not at all.
JUDGE (to ME): This is probably the luckiest day you're gonna have here. Thank you for being so honest. I'm gonna find you Not Guilty and dismiss this charge. Go out and pay the fines for the speeding charge. Dont let see you back in here.