Tuestimony (10/30/2018)


Part 3: OCCASION: Sister Choked on Fish

I believe that God gives Parents supernatural intuition, instincts, and ability to Love, Care for, and Protect their children. I distinctly recall at least three occasions when one of my siblings’ lives was at risk and Mom or Dad’s quick reactions saved them.

|| The following is my account of one time when my Sister Choked on Fish ||

My Sister was like 2 or 3. Mom and Sis were in the kitchen, eating fish with the bones in. Of course, Mom would carefully inspect the piece of fish (and extract the bones) before giving any to Sis. Well… Mom came into the living room for something and left her plate sitting there in the kitchen. Sister reached up and grabbed a piece a fish and ate it. From the living room, we heard Sister choking very alarmingly! I mean… it was scary-sounding! Me and Mom ran into the kitchen to see what was going. Lil Sis was just standing there, face tightly scrunched, eyes squinted, tears running down, head moving back and forth on her neck as she coughed, trying to get it out. I was soooo worried, because I still hadn’t put together why she was choking. But Mom immediately knew that it was fish bone. Mom grabbed Sis up, laid her flat on her lap, and hit her on her back a few times. But… that didn’t work. So then Mom turned her over and kinda sat her up. Mom opened her mouth and could actually see the piece of fish. So she stuck her hand in and was able to pull the chunk of food out with her fingers. Sis was all good after that!

I thank and praise God for the Blessed connection He establishes between Parent and Child. I pray that I will have that kind of intuition and instinct when I become a Father.