Tuestimony (11/6/2018)


[Part 1 of 2. Check out Tuesday Testimony on 11/13/18 for Part 2]

I thank God that I am here in America, that I am a Citizen, and that I have the right to Vote.

DISCLAIMER. I dont know experientially what it is like to live in another country. Also, I have only minimal knowledge/insight about living in other countries.

Nonetheless, I am happy and proud to be American. I live in a country where I can publicly express my disdain and outright disgust for some of my Governmental Leaders, Authorities, Politicians, and the like. << Without being retaliated against. I live in a country that allows me to have a voice -- by VOTING -- in choosing our Leadership. I live in a country where I can start/own a business. I live in a country where I can freely be Christian while others can be freely believe in other Faiths and we can all still attend the same function.

I praise God for being an American. I realize neither branch of Government is flawless (or even remotely close to it). But understanding how far we have made it (while not misunderstanding how far we still need to go) gives me a sense of Love, Respect, and Honor for being here today. Additionally, it gives me a sense of responsibility to vote. I wont pretend that Ive voted in every election that I was eligible to vote in... but that's on me. The fact that Ive had the right to is enough for me to give God praise for.

Personally, I dont vote 'just to vote', but no knock on anyone who does. Rather, I strongly encourage everyone (including myself) to know what you're voting for, who you're voting for, and why you vote. I praise God that today, it's easier for me to research Candidates and access information about ballot issues. I thank God that I live in a Democracy (although there are kinks) where I can be represented in its Leadership.

Go Vote! #ElectionDay2018
