Tuestimony (12/18/2018)


Wife’s alertness saved three of us from losing our lives in what could have been a tragic car accident.

Spring 2018. Wife, a Business Partner, and I were driving from Indiana back to Virginia. Well… I was driving, but yea… 3 people in the SUV. I think we were on a stretch in Ohio somewhere. If memory serves me correctly, it was “US-35” road. The road had two Eastbound lanes and two Westbound lanes, separated only by double yellow lines. It was around 1am-ish. So it was pretty dark outside. It was like a “country” back road where there were no streetlights, lit buildings, or anything like that; it was all just open road and farmlands.

I was driving around maybe 70mph or so… in the left lane, traveling Eastbound. There were no other cars on the road. Wayyyyyyy up ahead, I see a car traveling Westbound, on what I thought was a Westbound lane. ---- Wait…….

<<SIDEBAR>> Although my Wife travels a lot for our Business, she doesn’t really like driving. And she usually sleeps the entire length of time it takes to travel anywhere. It could a 30min trip, and she’d sleep for 27minutes during the car ride. It could be an 8hour trip, and she’d sleep for 7 hours, 54 mins. She’s only awake when we’re leaving the driveway, or returning to the driveway. Other than that, she’s asleep!! <<END SIDEBAR>>

So I saw this car ahead and I couldn’t quite tell if it was traveling in its left lane of the Westbound direction it was traveling, or if it was in MY left lane of the Eastbound direction (although it was heading Westbound). I had just assumed that it was in its proper lane and that I couldn’t tell because it was so dark and the double yellow lines only separate traffic for like 5 feet or so, if that. Anyhoo… I just kept right on… still at 70mph or so. Suddenly, for no rhyme or reason… Wife woke up. I mean, I can’t even explain how bizarre it was that she woke up. Because it wasn’t like I hit a bump or anything. She just randomly and unusually woke up and looked down the road and saw the same car. Then she said to me very calmly… “Baby, I think that car is in our lane. Please get over.” So, I slid into the right lane. Maybe 5 seconds later… sure enough… that car zipped passed us at probably around 80mph… IN THE SAME LANE I HAD JUST GOTTEN OVER FROM!! So, yea, he/she was definitely heading in the opposite direction in the wrong lane!! Neither of us swerved or blew our horns or really made any kind of acknowledgment/signal about what almost happened. But had I not gotten over, it would have been a wrap for the 3 of us in my car and whoever was in the other car. I did immediately call the state police and reported that there was a driver on the wrong side of the rode… but I have no idea what happened to the driver (or other travelers) after that.

My Wife, Business Partner, and I prayed before leaving VA to head to IN. We also prayed before leaving IN to head back to VA. But… we said a mid-trip prayer of praise following the almost-accident. My Faith compels me to believe that God was all up in that situation. Because while I noticed the car when it was way down the street, I couldn’t really tell that it was in my lane. And I have no idea why I didn’t just get over on my own to be safe. I made the foolish decision to stay in my lane and re-evaluate when I got closer. BUT… somehow… my ‘sleeping beauty’ Wife, who had no reason to be awakened…. miraculously opened her eyes…. and was immediately aware that something was wrong... and calmly told me to switch lanes because that car was coming down our lane.

Mannnn… I can’t Praise God enough for just that ONE thing!!!... let alone ALL the other things He’s done for me, or provided for me, or kept me out of, or delivered me from!!! Who knows how many times He has spared my life (AND YOURS) without us ever even knowing it. It’s a constant reminder that my Work here isn’t done. So I thank God and Praise God for another opportunity to fulfill His purpose for me. I thank God for my Wife, and for using her that day to be a LifeSaver.
